Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lord of the Flies

So I recently finished Lord of the Flies. I read it for school and it was surprisingly very good. Yeah it gets boring when you read about the scenery of the island but it was worth it.

A basic overview of the novel:
A bunch of english boys ranging from 6 to 12 years of age crash on an island on their way home from an English military camp during World War II. The boys make a rules and basically set up a monarchy. Eventually things get out of control and 2 people get killed and they eventually get saved. 

If you really think about it after you read it, the author is trying to say something. When Jack and Ralph (the two leaders of the boys) break off and become two separate tribes, Jacks being more savage and Ralph's being more realistic, the author is stating his fear. Sense all the boys besides for 3 go to Jack's tribe, the author is scared that after World War II people will start becoming more savage and barbaric. Jack became a dictator and sense the book was written during the time when the Nazi's had control over most of Europe, the author is trying to symbolize the future he thinks will come. 

The author writes this book with very dark principles. He makes the boys lose touch with reality and become more savage-like to cope with their fear of being stranded. The boys become so barbaric they start dancing around fires and reenact the killing of their food. Both of these things were done in the Aztec times. The author is trying to show that when you cut people off from civilization they have no choice but to be savage so that they can cope with their surroundings to be able to survive. 

Yeah so I think you should read this book if you haven't already.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Star struck?

Sorry its been awhile. I've been busy with work and such. I've had a lot going on but now i promise to write somewhat religiously. 

So anyways..

About a week or two ago I was walking with my two best friends. All of a sudden we see a bunch of paparazzi. My friend was begging them to tell her who was inside. Lucky for her a man knew exactly who was inside the jewelry store. It was Paris Hilton. The second we found out we left. I don't understand why people try to keep her life private anymore. Everything she does gets leaked out somehow. There's no point. I mean c'mon! She has a sex tape! So sorry Paris your life doesn't deserve to be private so stop trying. Your only one step up from Unfitney. 

And as we were leaving we see her coming out of the store with her big sunglasses trying to cover herself. The paparazzi's there taking your picture and all up in your face. Don't act like you can't see them. There's no point in hiding. You look stupid "trying". Sorry to those of you who are fans of Paris. That's your choice and good for you. I'm glad that you can find something you like about her. I on the other hand am not her biggest fan.